I finally made it! I realized ONE of my most precious dreams. To share my “experience” with YOU!

I’ve been waiting for life to “begin”. Waiting for a “message”, for a sight, for something decisive in my life to happen that will make me happiER. Challenge after challenge that life imposed to me, I faced it like a fighter that I am. Busy with a very time and energy consuming job and responsibilities, I accepted my destiny and taught that I would be happy only if I was rich…

It was one day, I looked again at all the pictures I took during my “fight with life”, and I just realized how wonderful places I had the opportunity to go while fighting. I realized that I was blind if I still think that it was just a “fight”. That was just LIFE going through like a dream that you wake up every morning and forget all about it to “fight” the obscure future. I realized that most of the times, the most beautiful pictures I took, were just in my neighborhood. Just outside the place I was routinely living my destiny.

I know, life is not easy. Sometimes harder for some of us and easier for others. But this is exactly what it is all about! There will always be good and bad times for all! In the deepest sad period that you are facing, and in the same time, in the happiest period that you are living, remember that life is a dream!

I would like to dedicate this site to all the people who desperately want to discover our wonderful mother earth, and travel around the world but can(ould) not for a reason or an other (so many reasons!). I would like to share with you the beautiful places I went during my “fight” and to make you travel around a peace of our wonderful world. I wish that would make you feel better and see things differently like I did. My ultimate hope is to create any additional dream and to wake up a small part of the child sleeping in you!

Life is a dream. Please enjoy every moment of it. Afetr the hard times will come good times! Every moment, every event, every “experience” that you are facing has a reason! Don’t loose HOPE!!!

Welcome again! Fasten your seat belt and ENJOY the ride!

Adel Driss, PhD.


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